Compassionate Companion


Draws inspiration from the millennia-old Vedic tradition of India- the oldest living stream of transformational science in the world today.  Modern life and its future need, creates the space for PRAGVAMSHOO for the powerful transformation of life cycle to be wealthy and healthy living.

Introduction about Pragvamshoo:-  

First and foremost, We would like to thank you for the opportunity given to speak about “Pragvamshoo India”.  We hereby take the opportunity to introduce our self as a Life Science Research Organization who facilitates for the business of life science- Including Manufacture, Distribute, Import, Export, Food, Nutritional, Natural Extracts, Biological, Medicinal and Medical Services in India. We also facilitate treatment for patients from Abroad. We are nominated health care facilitators in India, to carry on Business for Medical and spiritual Tourism. We focus on providing best specialized yet economical Medical and Indian spiritual treatment practices to our Clients (Yoga / Ayurveda / Musical / Dance / Meditation / Naturopathy/Sidda). ‘Pragvamshoo India’ has a Natural Environment centric approach along with compassion, reliability and accountability as the main values.

Pragvamshoo Indien:-

Inspiriert von der jahrtausendealten vedischen Tradition Indiens – dem ältesten lebendigen Strom der Transformationswissenschaft der heutigen Welt. Das moderne Leben und seine zukünftigen Bedürfnisse schaffen den Raum für PRAGVAMSHOO für die kraftvolle Transformation des Lebenszyklus in ein wohlhabendes und gesundes Leben.

Einführung über Pragvamshoo:-

In erster Linie möchten wir Ihnen für die Gelegenheit danken, über “Pragvamshoo India” zu sprechen. Wir nutzen hiermit die Gelegenheit, uns als Life-Science-Forschungsorganisation vorzustellen, die das Geschäft der Biowissenschaften erleichtert – einschließlich Herstellung, Vertrieb, Import, Export, Lebensmittel, Ernährung, Naturextrakte, biologische, medizinische und medizinische Dienstleistungen in Indien. Wir ermöglichen auch die Behandlung von Patienten aus dem Ausland. Wir sind nominierte Gesundheitsvermittler in Indien, um das Geschäft für medizinischen und spirituellen Tourismus weiterzuführen. Wir konzentrieren uns darauf, unseren Kunden die besten spezialisierten und dennoch kostengünstigen medizinischen und indischen spirituellen Behandlungspraktiken anzubieten (Yoga / Ayurveda / Musical / Tanz / Meditation / Naturheilkunde / Sidda). “Pragvamshoo India” hat einen auf die natürliche Umwelt ausgerichteten Ansatz zusammen mit Mitgefühl, Zuverlässigkeit und Verantwortlichkeit als Hauptwerte.

Features of Our Products

No -Preservative Cheimicals

No Additives

No Added Color

Evidence Based


No Added Flavors

No Added Sugar

Safe,Secure And Pure

Natural Herbal

Welcome to the real HEALTH


Sanskrit (First language of the universe) Meaning of “Pragvamshoo” is- "Compassionate companion" with you all the time and side..

We at “Pragvamshoo” thrive to serve our patients with five essential aspects of life:  

Panchabuthas- the essential elements for life- Indian Mythology.

Harmony          Earth   or      Prirthvi –   or       Live with Nature
Balance            Water  or      Jal –            or       Balancing the lives
Purity                Fire     or      Agni –         or       Nutritious Cuisine/ food
Clarity               Air       or      Vayu –        or       Life
Gentleness      Ether   or     Akasha       or       Rejuvenation flying with joy and care.




As a devoted organisation, we have been successful in providing end-to-end medical (healthcare) services. Our client largely comes from several countries in search of high-end quality health care services. We are serving patients from countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Oman, Russia, Kenya Bangladesh and Europe in our state of the art facilities. 

We are excited to interact with you and explain more about our services.   It would be a pleasure if you can encourage us to extend our services to your country / patients those are willing to travel to India for a cost effective yet best speciality Medical Treatment.


Bring The Earth To Your Heart

SICHER - Safe and Secure

works to bring the best of evidence-based health supplements from across the globe to your doorstep. Our premium Product SICHER is made from high-quality ingredients to provide the best possible nutrition for everyone who needs them on daily basis. Diseases have become part of our daily life, the Covid pandemic has added to both mental and physical stress. It is proved that a stressed body is low on Immunity and the reverse is also true. SICHER is a blend of vital dietary supplements along with   chosen herbs to PROTECT and REJUVENATE impaired body. SICHER is designed to provide Support in keeping the Body and Mind in Good health. ”SICHER” is rich in natural dietary antioxidantsPROTECTS,CORRECTS and LOWERS the risk of RADIATION and CANCER.



Medicare - Grazioss Health - Medical Tourism

En tant qu’organisation dévouée, nous avons réussi à fournir des services médicaux (soins de santé) de bout en bout. Notre client vient en grande partie de plusieurs pays à la recherche de services de santé haut de gamme de qualité. Nous servons des patients de pays comme l’Arabie saoudite, l’Irak, le Yémen, le Soudan, Oman, la Russie, le Kenya, le Bangladesh et l’Europe dans nos installations ultramodernes.
Nous sommes ravis d’interagir avec vous et de vous expliquer davantage nos services. Ce serait un plaisir si vous pouviez nous encourager à étendre nos services à votre pays / patients qui sont prêts à voyager en Inde pour un traitement médical spécialisé rentable mais le meilleur.

Medicare: GRAZIOSS-HEALTH Como organización dedicada, hemos tenido éxito en la prestación de servicios médicos (sanitarios) de principio a fin. Nuestro cliente proviene en gran parte de varios países en busca de servicios de atención médica de alta calidad. Atendemos a pacientes de países como Arabia Saudita, Irak, Yemen, Sudán, Omán, Rusia, Kenia, Bangladesh y Europa en nuestras instalaciones de vanguardia. Estamos encantados de interactuar con usted y explicarle más sobre nuestros servicios. Sería un placer si pudiera alentarnos a extender nuestros servicios a su país / pacientes que estén dispuestos a viajar a la India para recibir un tratamiento médico de especialidad rentable y el mejor.


Als engagierte Organisation ist es uns gelungen, umfassende medizinische (Gesundheits-)Dienstleistungen anzubieten. Unsere Kunden kommen größtenteils aus mehreren Ländern auf der Suche nach qualitativ hochwertigen Gesundheitsdienstleistungen. In unseren modernen Einrichtungen betreuen wir Patienten aus Ländern wie Saudi-Arabien, Irak, Jemen, Sudan, Oman, Russland, Kenia, Bangladesch und Europa.

Wir freuen uns, mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten und mehr über unsere Dienstleistungen zu erklären. Es würde mich freuen, wenn Sie uns ermutigen könnten, unsere Dienstleistungen auf Ihr Land/Ihre Patienten auszudehnen, die für eine kostengünstige und beste medizinische Spezialbehandlung nach Indien reisen möchten.


Como uma organização dedicada, temos tido sucesso no fornecimento de serviços médicos (cuidados de saúde) abrangentes. Nossos clientes vêm em grande parte de vários países em busca de serviços de saúde de qualidade. Atendemos pacientes de países como Arábia Saudita, Iraque, Iêmen, Sudão, Omã, Rússia, Quênia, Bangladesh e Europa em nossas modernas instalações.

Teremos prazer em interagir com você e explicar mais sobre nossos serviços. Seria um prazer se você pudesse nos encorajar a estender nossos serviços ao seu país / pacientes que desejam viajar para a Índia para um tratamento médico especializado e econômico.


كمنظمة مخلصة ، نجحنا في تقديم خدمات طبية (رعاية صحية) شاملة. يأتي عملائنا إلى حد كبير من عدة دول بحثًا عن خدمات رعاية صحية عالية الجودة. نحن نخدم المرضى من دول مثل المملكة العربية السعودية والعراق واليمن والسودان وعمان وروسيا وكينيا بنغلاديش وأوروبا في مرافقنا الحديثة.

يسعدنا التفاعل معك وشرح المزيد عن خدماتنا. سيكون من دواعي سروري إذا كنت تستطيع تشجيعنا على توسيع خدماتنا إلى بلدك / المرضى الذين يرغبون في السفر إلى الهند للحصول على علاج طبي فعال من حيث التكلفة وأفضل تخصص.


As ‘n toegewyde organisasie het ons daarin geslaag om omvattende mediese (gesondheidsorg) dienste te lewer. Ons kliënte kom hoofsaaklik uit baie lande op soek na gehalte-gesondheidsorgdienste. Ons bedien pasiënte uit lande soos Saoedi-Arabië, Irak, Jemen, Soedan, Oman, Rusland, Kenia, Bangladesj en Europa in ons moderne fasiliteite.

Ons sal graag met u in verbinding tree en meer oor ons dienste verduidelik. Dit sal ons ‘n plesier wees as u ons aanmoedig om ons dienste uit te brei na u land / pasiënte wat na Indië wil reis vir gespesialiseerde en ekonomiese mediese behandeling.

献身的な組織として、私たちはエンドツーエンドの医療(ヘルスケア)サービスを提供することに成功しています。 私たちのクライアントは主に、ハイエンドの質の高いヘルスケアサービスを求めていくつかの国から来ています。 サウジアラビア、イラク、イエメン、スーダン、オマーン、ロシア、ケニアバングラデシュ、ヨーロッパなどの国々の患者に最先端の施設でサービスを提供しています。
私たちはあなたと交流し、私たちのサービスについてもっと説明できることを嬉しく思います。 費用対効果が高く、しかも最高の専門医療のためにインドに旅行する意思のあるあなたの国/患者に私たちのサービスを拡大することを私たちに奨励していただければ幸いです。

헌신적 인 조직으로서 우리는 종단 간 의료 (건강 관리) 서비스를 성공적으로 제공했습니다. 우리의 고객은 주로 고품질의 의료 서비스를 찾기 위해 여러 국가에서 왔습니다. 우리는 최첨단 시설에서 사우디 아라비아, 이라크, 예멘, 수단, 오만, 러시아, 케냐 방글라데시 및 유럽과 같은 국가의 환자에게 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
귀하와 상호 작용하고 당사 서비스에 대해 자세히 설명하게되어 기쁩니다. 비용 효율적이면서도 최고의 전문 치료를 위해 인도를 기꺼이 여행하고자하는 귀하의 국가 / 환자에게 서비스를 확장하도록 격려해 주시면 기쁩니다.

Ayurveda effective self-care solutions for the modern world-from GRAZIOSS SICHER

For Assistance Contact Us:- / ++ 00919480202099

Ayurveda is a vast medicinal science. It is said to have been originated in India 21000 years back. Unlike other medicinal systems, Ayurveda focuses more on healthy living than treatment of diseases. The main concept of Ayurveda is that it personalizes the healing process. According to Ayurveda, the human body is composed of four basics-the dosha, dhatu, mala and agni. There is immense significance of all these basics of the body in Ayurveda. These are also called the Mool Siddhant or the basic fundamentals of Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurveda encompasses an insight into all the realms of the universe- the physical, emotional and spiritual contexts. Matter can be divided into five forms- Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Each set of experiences can be governed by the way we perceive these states of matter. Hence, the universal life force manifests as three different kinds of energies, or ‘Doshas’ – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Ayurveda is an ancient medicine system of  India. The word Ayurveda has been a conjugation of two Sanskrit words ayus, meaning ‘life’ and veda, meaning ‘science’, thus ayurveda literally means the ‘science of life’. Unlike other traditional medicinal systems, Ayurveda is more focused on simple and logical therapies. It is in fact a set of practical and simple guidelines for long life and good health.

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